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Writer's pictureMandy Gornal-Jones

Are You Really a Human Resources Manager or Should You Consider a Career in Supply Chain Management. Take This Short Test!

Hello, job jugglers and management mavens! Ever find yourself mixing up your professional hat? Maybe you started in Human Resources and somehow ended up figuring out logistics for the fun of it. Well, it's time to put your career confusion to rest with our (mostly) scientific test! Grab your clipboard, it’s quiz time!

1. The Vanishing Act

You have an open vacancy, receive a mountain of applications, and then... poof! You disappear faster than a plate of cookies in the break room. If candidates start referring to you as “The Illusionist,” you might just be in the wrong department.

- Yes (Well, maybe start planning your next magic trick.)

- No (Good, because ghosting is for haunted houses, not HR!)

2. The Marathon Application

Is your application process longer than a pre-marathon carb-load? If candidates feel like they need a water station and a cheer squad to make it through, you might be doing something wrong.

- Yes (You're not directing a saga, ease up on the epic quest!)

- No (Congratulations! You value people’s time – and sanity.)

3. Professionalism at Interviews

When you conduct an interview, are you the epitome of professionalism, or do you casually snack on a sandwich while discussing career aspirations?

- Yes (Keep it classy, San Diego.)

- No (Let’s keep lunch and livelihoods separate, shall we?)

4. The Feedback Loop

After an interview, do you provide candidates with clear, constructive reasons why their application didn’t make the cut, or do you offer feedback as clear as mud?

- Yes (Bravo! Honesty is the best policy.)

- No (Remember, “It’s not you, it’s us” doesn’t count.)

5. Time Management

Do you respect the time of your candidates, or are they better off watching paint dry than waiting for your next move?

- Yes (Time is money, friend!)

- No (Maybe start a new hobby? Timekeeping, perhaps?)

6. Candidate or Commodity? Do you refer to potential hires as "talent to acquire" or sometimes slip and call them "stock"?

  1. Yes (Might be time to check your barcode scanner at the door.)

  2. No (Perfect! People are not products, and that’s the spirit!)


If you answered "Yes" to at least two of these questions, it’s time to reflect. You might just have a knack for logistics and could consider a thrilling career in Supply Chain Management. Or, you know, maybe just tighten up that HR game a bit.

Jokes aside, whether you’re in HR or Supply Chain Management, remember that the heart of your role is efficiency and respect—qualities that translate across any career! Now go forth, and may your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.

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